There are a plethora of superstar foods in Mother Nature’s medicine cabinet, but few come close to the nutritional power of the blueberry. Botanically known as Vaccinium corybosum, blueberries come from shrubs native to North America. They often score at the very top of the list when it comes to high-antioxidant foods — above almost every other fruit and vegetable in existence!
ALSO, the Medical Medium Anthony William says wild Maine blueberries are the resurrection food. This makes perfect sense, because they are small and mighty, and survive and grow in cold, harsh circumstances. Ingesting them into your body and energy system infuses a bit of that resurrection power and energy into you! This is especially helpful if you’ve been through a hard time or are amidst your awakening process, which can be grueling and intense. Inherent in that process is your rebirth and a cleansing of energies, experiences, emotions, beliefs, and people that no longer serve you. So supportive practices and foods like blueberries are helpful. Anyone, but especially empaths and HSPs (highly sensitive people), can use extra fortification of our inner resources and energy field. Sign up to get my free e-book on clearing your energy for more detailed guidance on this (via pop up on my site here or fill out the quick form at the bottom of most of my website’s pages).
In addition, humanity as a whole is resurrecting right now during this COVID pandemic. It’s been a death, rebirth, and reset, on a global scale (not to minimize the very real suffering that is also taking place). We, and Gaia, are soon going to be resurrecting or rising up from the ashes after this period of introspection and quarantine.
Anyhoo, whole, fresh blueberries are powerful. Frozen berries work too, and are a longer lasting, more economical option. There are many varieties of blueberries, and while all are healthy, wild Maine blueberries in particular show potent health effects. If you live far from Maine (like most of us), you can still purchase this type frozen (organic or conventional) at the grocery store.
Here’s more information on the specific health benefits you’ll enjoy as a result of incorporating these tiny yet hearty berries into your diet — along with the lovely burst of flavor!
The blueberry’s main claim to fame is its extraordinarily high antioxidant level. Antioxidants are natural substances thought to ward off disease and infection by preventing or delaying cell damage in the body.
Blueberries have shown higher levels than other antioxidant-rich foods such as nuts and dark chocolate, and other berries such strawberries and blackberries. They consistently test high in anthocyanidins specifically, which are powerful plant pigments (also called flavonoids).
The authors of a 2012 study concluded that blueberries could be used medicinally as a “functional food of benefit to human health” as a result of their very strong antioxidant components. The vibrant blue skin of the blueberry may hold the majority of its antioxidants.
The cardiovascular support provided by blueberries is staggering. Several studies suggest blood pressure-lowering effects, like a 2015 study showing significant decreases in blood pressure and pulse levels for postmenopausal women with hypertension who ate freeze-dried blueberry powder every day for eight weeks.
The anthocyanidins in blueberries may be key players in heart attack prevention. Eating them may even protect obese men and women with metabolic syndrome from having symptoms, as well as heart problems.
They have also shown some ability to reduce DNA damage, like in men at risk for cardiovascular disease.
Blueberries are the smart choice! Women ages 70 and older who ate blueberries over the course of an impressive 32 years had slower rates of cognitive decline. And blueberry supplements may specifically improve memory in older adults with early signs of dementia. A remarkable side effect of blueberry consumption in this study was a reduction in depression symptoms and blood sugar levels.
Some other exciting (but preliminary) research indicates that blueberries may be able to ease post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms such as anxiety.
The “other” brain may benefit from blueberries as well. The berries may have powerful healing effects for the gut, which is sometimes called “the second brain” because there’s a strong biological and emotional relationship between it and how we think and feel.
In a 2013 study, adding wild Maine blueberries to the diet resulted in an almost eight-fold increase in the amount of good gut and colon bacteria. While the research was done in an animal model, it suggests that comparable effects could occur in humans.
Research in 2016, in the journal Molecules, confirms this. Eighteen healthy men who consumed wild blueberries for 30 days had significant positive changes in their gut microbiota. The researchers concluded that antioxidants from blueberries are “absorbed and extensively metabolized.” This is great news, as it shows that our bodies can assimilate their nutrients easily.
Furthermore, eating blueberries after a meal might help balance blood sugar and offer protection against oxidative stress, or wear and tear on the body.
One-half cup of blueberries contains roughly:
Blueberries are nutrient-dense but have very few calories and practically no protein. For this reason, consider pairing your blueberries with high-protein foods or drinks. Try them sprinkled over Greek yogurt, mixed into some steel-cut oats with cinnamon, or throw a handful into your morning smoothie. You can also cook and bake with them.
There are a lot of reasons to add the versatile, nutritious blueberry to your diet. If you live in New England and it’s summertime, grab some local, wild blueberries from the farmer’s market or grocery store — or go blueberry picking as in the classic children’s book, “Blueberries with Sal”! (This was one of my favorites as a little girl.)
When fresh, blueberries should be firm and deep blue in color. Regardless of where you live, you can stock up on frozen berries when there’s a sale at the store any time of year. Harness this RESURRECTION food to your advantage.
Eating blueberries, and other fruits, is also a great way to cope with sugar cravings. Their natural sweetness can provide a satisfying replacement to processed treats. I can help you with this process! Go to my services pages to learn more about my nutrition philosophy, or contact me at to set up a free discovery call. I’ll give you a 3-step plan to start to start to clear the energy drains and get back on track nutritionally and energetically.
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