Grief is a universal human experience. We all go through loss and change, in countless great and small ways. For empaths and sensitive people, dealing with grief can be even more intense, emotionally and energetically.
Read on to better understand grief in empaths and how to deal with it.
Empaths feel more deeply than most people, via extra attuned intuition, emotions, energy fields, or physical bodies. Your great reservoirs of compassion are a healing balm to the people you touch, and what this world needs.
However, being empathic means you become drained or affected by emotions easily. In our world, there are endless possible triggers for anxiety, sadness, and anger, among other things. Read my other blogs (including those hyperlinked in this paragraph) for detailed guidance on protecting your energy.
Because grief and loss are usually more intense than daily ups and downs, empaths become overwhelmed by it very quickly. It is thus essential to engage in strong self-care, set boundaries, and seek help. Do these 4 things to deal with grief as an empath.
Grief is highly emotional. Your emotions are asking to be felt and released. Feeling them is what allows them to eventually lighten up and fade away. It is also what prevents them from turning into anxiety, reactivity, rage at others, or depression. Crying, for example, has an evolutionary purpose. It literally releases chemicals that help us cope, process, and move forward.
Journaling and exercise are other good ways to support emotional flow and release pent-up stress. Remember that grief can come out in a multitude of ways, including sadness, crying, anger, overreactions, hopelessness, brain fog, indecision, and numbness.
Have compassion for yourself through all feelings. Emoting is part of being in a human body, and is always valid.
One of the core features of being an introvert or empath is gaining energy via down time. Spending time alone allows your system to recalibrate, reset, and release what you’ve taken on from interactions with others (both in person and virtually). Also, when you give yourself space, you can grieve healthily.
If you are an introvert, you may breathe a sigh of relief at this idea. If you’re extroverted or like constant activity, it may be a bummer. Taking space is obviously harder if you have young children or a demanding 24/7-type job. But do your best to carve out some quiet time now and then. Add a nap for even better results. Share with loved ones that self-care time helps your mental health and allows for a better relationship too.
If someone you love has passed, reflect on their legacy. Maybe you feel called to write about it or share with someone – and maybe you don’t. Either is totally OK.
One exercise that can be cathartic is to write a letter to the person in mind. This works regardless of whether the person is alive or passed. Either way, you probably have a mix of happy and sad emotions and memories. Grief usually entails conflicting feelings. We are all complicated, and so are our relationships. The person or dynamic may have been toxic for you, or it could have been wonderful, or a combination. The grief is there, regardless.
For more specific help with writing letters and other exercises, contact me at The grief recovery program I offer shows you exactly how to do these for maximum healing and benefits.
It’s understandable not to know where to start. There is no shame in asking for help. Sometimes we simply need a caring or trained person to support us through loss or change.
The focus of my private practice is grief recovery. I am certified as a specialist, along with having several other health related certifications, and degrees in psychology and health communication. I’ve found that both for myself and clients, a supportive hand and heart makes all the difference.
Being witnessed and guided through deep life transitions prevents us from getting stuck there. Healing from grief and loss comes from learning and implementing the skills we were never taught as children. My grief recovery program, which I offer through 7 individual one on one sessions with me, or a group format of 8 meetings, gives you the ability to finally say goodbye to the pain, as well as any unmet hopes, dreams, or expectations.
It works for any loss or life change, including death, divorce, romantic and friend breakups, pet loss, helping children grieve, moving, empty nest, and relationships with people who are still alive but it’s complicated or painful. People say you have to let go and move on when your heart breaks, but they don’t tell you how. Let me show you HOW. Reach out for more info at
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