I SEE YOU. Are you a deep soul who sometimes feels like you don’t fit in? Starseeds or empaths tend to feel rejected, different, or like they don’t belong in their families, jobs, or on this planet. Oftentimes that’s because our souls literally originate from other star systems. It’s not an easy path, but it’s for a reason. You’re here to BE the change as we move into a new paradigm. More about the great shift here.
This new age belief or spiritual concept of starseeds can be controversial. My personal beliefs have actually shifted in recent years as well. But even if none of us know for sure, we do know that sensitive people experience life and their physical body a bit differently. Being your authentic self can be challenging in an insensitive world. Especially if you feel a call to help others or guide humanity in some way.
As a starseed, highly sensitive person, or old soul, you likely have unique attributes and feel more deeply than others, emotionally, spiritually, or physically. You may avoid large groups or crowds (or certain people), leave gatherings early due to energetic fatigue or overwhelm, and you may feel alienated from traditional establishments, belief systems, or roles. Starseeds also may feel the emotions of others, or even have magical abilities. They tend to seek divine wisdom and be interested in esoteric topics like past lifetimes.
There is even a body of thought around specific starseed origins or soul origins. Some geographical locations across the globe thought to be significant for starseeds are below. Have you visited these places or been drawn to any of them?
The journey to self-acceptance can be long and winding, and is usually very tender and vulnerable. It requires a lot of courage. But that is why you’re here. As you begin to wade through your past, your present, your thoughts and beliefs, the TRUTH starts to emerge. Truth — feeling it, facing it, speaking it — is what heals.
The most important thing is not what others think or do, it’s how you feel about yourself inside. That is your point of attraction and will be reflected outwardly in your external life, because “as within, so without,” “as above, so below,” and as the law of attraction shows us. But more importantly, it’s the number one cause of your happiness, not other people, achievements, or circumstances. As humans of course we enjoy and derive fulfillment from relationships and jobs etc, but when you do the internal work first, you not only don’t feel that desperate, empty need for them anymore, but what you attract is of much higher quality and resonance. You also tend to avoid health issues and reach a better place emotionally.
I offer therapeutic counseling, grief support, and nutrition guidance to help empaths honor their sensitivity, limit fatigue and energy drains, plus take control of their gift. Feel free to reach out with questions or for a free 30 minute call at erin@centeredone.com. You may also like to check out episode 29 of the Closer to Venus podcast, where I share my life story around being an empath, and this blog with guidance on protecting your energy. Much love!
© Copyright Centered One by Erin, All rights reserved.
Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash